Dr Rocco Crino
SOCAD Practice is currently serviced by Clinical Psychologist Dr Rocco Crino. Dr Crino has full registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency and area of practice endorsement for clinical psychology. Staff also continue professional development and supervision as part of their ongoing clinical commitments.
Dr Crino is the practice director and former head of St Vincent's Hospital Anxiety Disorders Unit. Dr Crino is a widely respected authority on Anxiety Disorders with over 35 years experience leading this field. He has had a wealth of academic positions, most recently as Professor at Charles Sturt University, and continues to guest lecture at various organisations at any opportunity. ​
Dr Crino uses cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) to treat presenting concerns. CBT is the gold-standard in evidence-based treatment for psychological concerns and particularly anxiety disorders. Where suitable, other evidence based therapies such as exposure-response prevention (ERP) may be used.